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A few more Silly Definitations.

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Just a few of my silly definitions that I gathered...


1. ARBITRATOR - A cook that leaves Arby's to work at McDonald's

2. BERNADETTE - The act of torching a mortgage.

3. BURGLARIZE - What a crook sees through

4. AVOIDABLE - What a bullfighter tries to do

5. EYEDROPPER - Clumsy ophthalmologist

6. CONTROL - A short, ugly inmate.

7. COUNTERFEITER - Worker who puts together kitchen cabinets

8. ECLIPSE - What an English barber does for a living.           
9. LEFT BANK - What the bank robbers did when their bag was full of money.

10. HEROES - What a man in a boat does

11. PARASITES - Who/What you see from the Eiffel Tower

12. PARADOX - Two physicians

13. PHARMACIST - A helper on a farm

14. POLARIZE - What penguins see through

15. PRIMATE - Remove your spouse from in front of TV

16. RELIEF - What trees do in the spring

17. RUBBERNECK - What you do to relax your wife

18. SELFISH - What the owner of a seafood store does

19. SUDAFED - Brought litigation against a government official

20. PARADIGMS - 20 cents .... (think about it for a minute).

Edited by noknojon
Tidy up the post.
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