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malware detection by real-time protection

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I assume that when, during a scan, malwarebytes detects a malware move the file in quarantine as for any software similar to Malwarebytes.
I'd like to know what's going on, step by step, when a malware is detected by real-time protection: downloading something with a malware for mac to find out it would seem silly; can you then show the behavior of malwarebytes in this case: are notifications displayed or what happens next? More than that, to find me unprepared in such a situation.
thank you

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Thanks a lot, now it's all clearer; in case of infection, however,  more the alarm is highlighted is better.
it would not be bad, as it did for the windows version, you created the site and the application in Italian and other language; not only in English (also for new features and license text)


In the macOS version, more features are appreciated; to start, it would not be bad if in the menu that opens from the menu bar icon, the date of the last scan and the status tag icon will be displayed next to the date of the last update


Edited by MAXBAR1
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