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some fun & quotes


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Kids in back seats can cause accidents. Accidents in back seats can cause kids..

(pardon the language) - 

Two men at a Bar were having an overheated argument. One said to the other, "Kiss my A**!" His response was , "Spit and give me a clue."

Some quotes & inspiration -

Children & other people don't care how much one knows until they know how much one cares.

A mistake is not a mistake unless one fails to learn from it.

Minds are like parachutes and umbrellas. They won't work unless open.

Excellence can be attained if you: Care more than others think is wise; Risk more than others think is safe; Dream more than others think is practical; Expect more than others think is possible.

Even a turtle has to stick his neck out to progress.

To accomplish great things one must not only dream about a vision and mission, but plan; not only plan, but also act; not only act but most important, believe.

I'll see it when I believe it; not I'll believe it when I see it.

Students are diverse people to be unfolded by best knowledge educational practices, not things to be molded by superimposed, irrelevant, disconnected, costly, winners/losers,

one-size-fits-all standardized test driven projects.

Do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember a kite rises against the wind rather than with it.


Screenshot from 2017-09-22 01:43:37.png

Edited by sman
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