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I've also been getting messages about coin-hive being blocked. It's said to be originating from firefox.exe. I will try unloading all the Firefox extensions. It may be relevant that it seems to be connected with updates on KUSC's website kusc.org (public radio station in Los Angeles).

Slightly later: I've tried disabling all my Firefox add-ons without effect, but I closed the tab in which kusc.org was running and the messages no longer occur. Is it possible that something on kusc.org has been infected with it?


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Hi Wordworx :)

Malwarebytes is blocking coin-hive because one of the website you are using probably have the JavaScript code for it running in the background (it's a silent crypto miner that runs from your browser directly). You aren't infected with anything, the culprit is one of the website you visit.

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