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Devils Advocate/New IP protection

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Ok, we now know there is a new feature in the paid version of Malwarebytes.

But WHAT IS IT TELLING US??? A constant balloon pop up in the task bar listing some esoteric IP number tells us nothing and starts to be annoying especially when viewing sites known to be not infected.

Was this feature rushed to us without testing. From the comments over the past couple days it certainly was sprung on unsuspecting users with out ANY explanation.

I like MALWAREBYTES!!! It has saved my ass on a couple of occasions and I will continue to use it.

Lets have something from MALWAREBYTES as to what is happening here.



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This feature will prevent you from accessing known sites which may be involved in malicious activities. This can happen via any number of ways, any application accessing the Net can trigger the alerts. Some sites may load an advert which points to a known malicious IP, this would trigger an alert.

By default IP blocking is enabled. If it is not, you can right-click the Malwarebytes Protection Module icon in the system tray and click the 'IP Protection' from the menu.

If you'd like to disable this feature, Right-click the Protection Module icon located in the system tray and UNcheck 'IP Protection'.

There is no actual 'infection' is detected. We're working on changing the message to avoid confusion.

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This feature will prevent you from accessing known sites which may be involved in malicious activities. This can happen via any number of ways, any application accessing the Net can trigger the alerts. Some sites may load an advert which points to a known malicious IP, this would trigger an alert.

By default IP blocking is enabled. If it is not, you can right-click the Malwarebytes Protection Module icon in the system tray and click the 'IP Protection' from the menu.

If you'd like to disable this feature, Right-click the Protection Module icon located in the system tray and UNcheck 'IP Protection'.

There is no actual 'infection' is detected. We're working on changing the message to avoid confusion.

Thanx Tom!!! Keep up the good work.

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