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When I try to open 



          Anti-Malware Blocked web site Type: outgoing, Port: 62219, Process: chrome.exe  
          Anti-Malware Blocked web site Type: outgoing, Port: 62220, Process: chrome.exe  
          Anti-Malware Blocked web site Type: outgoing, Port: 62221, Process: chrome.exe  

...and many other ports 62xxx 63xxx 64xxx


Pshemo B


Edited by Dashke
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  • 4 weeks later...

@dashke, I'm the sysadmin for that server. Where can I get more information on when exactly and through which method the Cerber was spreading. I did a check of the server and couldn't find any trace of it.

And I guess this activity got the IP on some kind of blacklist at Malwarebytes. If this is correct, how can we get it off the black list. 


Kind regards,


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