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Could Malwarebytes premium cause computer to lock up at startup?

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@MikeAustin that's definitely good information to know, but that isn't mentioned anywhere in this post. If you're having this same issue, it's probably best to make a new post with the same information (or link to an existing post if you have one) so we can troubleshoot

@Malacath the logs shouldn't have any personal information, but if you're feeling cautious, you can zip up the files and message them to me directly by clicking my name and choosing message.

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6 minutes ago, dcollins said:

@MikeAustin that's definitely good information to know, but that isn't mentioned anywhere in this post. If you're having this same issue, it's probably best to make a new post with the same information (or link to an existing post if you have one) so we can troubleshoot.

And back to square one for the umpteenth time - here

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I have come the conclusion that the problem is NOT caused by malwarebytes.


After disablng Malwarebytes premium and stopping it from starting when windows starts I have switched it on this morning and immediately after booting up and swiping my fingerprint to log in the computer has locked up again.


Looks like I will have to contact HP or Microsoft

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3 minutes ago, Malacath said:

I have come the conclusion that the problem is NOT caused by malwarebytes.

After disablng Malwarebytes premium and stopping it from starting when windows starts I have switched it on this morning and immediately after booting up and swiping my fingerprint to log in the computer has locked up again.

Looks like I will have to contact HP or Microsoft

To be completely sure, it would be best to uninstall it completely - and then maybe clean with mb-clean.

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After Microsoft desk accessing my computer and running something called DISM and doing other things then saying the problem is fixed. It happened again staight after shutting down then switching on. 

Annoying the hell out ,me me now. Looks like the only way to fully rule anything out is to factory reset computer again and this time not install malwarebytes so see if it starts happening again after a couple of weeks

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Its safe to assume malwarebytes is not the cause.


I'm thinking either hardware or a problem with the creators update. Either way i've now got the hassle of trying to get it replaced or refunded under warranty.


At the moment i'm regretting buying it off the microsoft store because i'm jumping through hoops trying to get them to refund or replace it


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  • 2 weeks later...


Have you tried to reset the performance counters as suggested in the post by AdvancedSetup that I quoted? It workd for some people and for both my computers. If you  are using Defender and haven't already tried exclusions, you might also try adding the exclusions suggested by Porthos:

I don't think a reset would help, but in case you want to do something similar, you can do an in-place upgrade repair, which effectively resets without removing your programs and data. You can see how to do that here:




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