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Ransomware Protection

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Hello!  I purchased a complete Malwarebytes Premium paqckage, which states that it comes with Anti-Ransomware.  So far I only get the top three Protection levels.  It shows me that Ransomware Protection is not available.  How or what do I have to do to get my full package working?  So that I am fully protected and get what I paid for!

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Aura:  I am running windows Vista.  On the Malwarebytes package I bought it states right on it works on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, vista, xp.  It also states that it comes with anti-malware, anti-exploit, anti-ransomware.  So as far as I am concerned I did not get what I paid for.  If you are right and this level of protection is not available then I should get 1/3 of my costs back!  Please let me know.

Edited by Moose
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