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Message regard Reboot to complete quarantine items and it reset my computer to factory default... Lost programs, documents.. everything !

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Can not get rid of the Scan Complete notification box in right hand corner and when try to close it, another box pops up saying I must reboot computer... did that once and Malwarebytes reset my computer to factory default... no programs, no emails, no documents, Everthing gone !!  I rebooted my computer again, after recovering from my panic attack and suddenly as if by magic, everything reappeared intact... now, I can't get rid of this stupid message and I certainly am not going to reboot again as who knows what will happen ????   Help !  How do I fix this problem or do I just get rid of Malwarebytes and find another program ??

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What probably happened is that Malwarebytes caused a Windows Profile corruption, so it opened a "Temporary profile" so you had some access to the computer but appeared to have lost your documents.  This is a known issue but for some reason is not listed as such. 

If you got it once you will get it again. 

The only way around this problem at present is to set Malwarebytes NOT to start with Windows.  Start it manually after you log in.

Also see this thread for a way to start Malwarebytes at Login.


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Thanks for info... but just seems like a lot of trouble to use a program that should just be working in background keeping computer safe.. who wants to pay a fee to be constantly aggravated or have to do workarounds... almost time for renewal and I think I'll be cancelling and using something else.. 

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10 minutes ago, Scotti said:

Thanks for info... but just seems like a lot of trouble to use a program that should just be working in background keeping computer safe.. who wants to pay a fee to be constantly aggravated or have to do workarounds... almost time for renewal and I think I'll be cancelling and using something else.. 

+1. This software is becoming more damaging to our computers than the malware it's supposed to prevent. Unbelievable.

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I was always so pleased with this software but this is a real issue .. I'm terrified that computer will reboot and I'll lose everything .. thank goodness for backups but still just not worth dealing with !!  Now need to find something that works without so much trouble... Will appreciate  recommendations on other programs to replace Malwarebytes. 

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