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MB 3.06 custom scan using 95% memory

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I did a custom scan (C drive) and at the end in Heuristics Analysis the scan uses 95% ram. Second attempt. First scan used 93% ram and got an OS warning. Canceled scan. Second scan used 95% ram. Canceled scan. Had all Real-Time protection turned off. Running trial version MB 3.0.6. Operating system uses 28% ram on fresh restart.


My system:

Dell XPS 8300

Windows 10 Home 64 bit (upgraded from Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64 bit)

8 GB Ram

3.0 Ghz CPU

Norton Security

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Funny. I had previously canceled the last scan and closed the main window and  had not re-opened MB. I woke up this morning and the scan was complete. I had turned all real-time protection on. I will investigate turning all real time protection off and starting a scan and then closing the main window.

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Turned all real time protection off and started a scan. Closed the main window and scan continued (MB Service in Task Manager, using 45% CPU and 385 MB Ram, on average,  after about 20 minutes of running.). I will let scan continue to see if the resources usage increases dramatically toward end of scan.

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After about 30 minutes of scan found Norton Security was very active in Task Manager during scan (about 10% CPU and high disk activity). Stopped MB Service. Will let Norton Security to become less active before starting MB Service again and starting another scan.

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Norton Security got back down to 0% CPU. Re-opened MB (service re-started automatically). Started scan. Closed main window. Resource usage from MB Service in Task manager as before. After 20 minutes into scan (now doing FileSystem portion) Norton Security was active again in Task Manager with average 10% CPU and high disk activity. During MB Service scan I disabled the Norton Security Auto-Protect (for 5 hours) and Norton resource usage returned to near zero. Continuing MB scan to monitor resource usage.

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Question: Apparently I should disable Norton Auto-Protect when I do MB scans. Should I uninstall Norton and not use it if I purchase MB Premium and have real time protection from MB only? Or is it OK to have Norton alongside MB and use both? I have already purchased Norton. I only do manual scans with no scheduled scans in both products.

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Ok. Thanks. The only caveat I find is that when I do a MB scan, if I don't first temporarily disable Norton Auto Protect (real time monitoring), that when the MB FileSystem scanning starts the Norton kicks in and both products are thrashing the hard drive at the same time (not desirable), and the total use of ram increasingly goes up towards 100%.

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