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Hi mbmo :)

In Malwarebytes Settings (assuming you're running 2.2.1), I think there's an option to check for program updates when you check for definition updates. Malwarebytes 3.0.6 is being rolled out by block right now, so if you haven't received the upgrade notification yet, but wish to upgrade anyway, you can do so by downloading and installing the latest version from the thread below.


Edit: There it is:


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Thank you.

When trying to open Malwarebytes now again to do that, I got this "Unable to Connect the Service" error (see attachment). This isn't the first time it happened. Even when I go into "Services" as a admin, the option to start this service is grayed out. The only way to get it to work again is to restart the computer. This seems to be one of the bugs remaining in MB3.

Two clarifying points: every time I exit Malwarebytes from the notification area a UAC prompt pops up, though when I open the program that doesn't happen. Also, the Malwarebytes service is not set to automatically start when the computer's opened, but it does start successfully the first time I click on the program, but sometimes can't start again after the program was closed and a re-open is attempted.

Unable to start MB service.jpg

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I already uninstalled the initial version of Malwarebytes 3.0 and waited for some time before doing a clean install of version 3.0.5 but I guess I could try it again for 3.0.6.

Thank you very much :)

Edited by mbmo
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