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MB3 reverted to free, wants to upgrade to current version

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OK, folks.  Got a doozy here.

  • Windows 10 x64 Pro Insider Preview build 14986
  • MB (No other security software installed on here).

So, last night just a bit after midnight, my cable modem lost its connection - my provider was conducting some sort of maintenance work in the area.  I went ot bed with the modem not finding a signal.

This morning I was out the door before I could check, so when I finally got home after noon, I checked, and my cable modem had a connection, but my PC was not connected to the Internet.  Router was OK, it had an IP form the modem, and my devices all through my house had their assigned IP addresses, but something was broken.  Rebooting the router made no difference.  I was finally able to get a live connection by enabling the router's QoS and updating the connection database.

I then had 0 problems with the machine, on which I had released, flshudns'd, and renewed all adapters in my machine.  Everything was fine, MB3 was up and running and everything was OK.

I then ran Snappy Driver Install's batch file to run the program, and it said there were a lot of updates - so I started the download.

All of a sudden, I got a BSOD in tcpip.sys.  Upon reboot, I have a whole slew of issues.

  1. MB GUI will not run on start up. 
  2. All settings have reverted to default.
  3. My license has reverted to the free version.
  4. The program version has reverted to v3.0.0 [I had only installed (actually the beta version from the public Beta thread) when I clean installed Windows 10 IP 14971 about a week ago or so].
  5. The program is attempting to update itself to the latest 3.0.4 version.
  6. There is nothing in C:\Windows\MiniDump folder.
  7. Attached is my MBService log for your perusal.

Per this thread:

I am including the MB Service log (zipped) for analysis.  As I said, there is nothing in MiniDump.

I hope this can be resolved.  I planned on uninstalling and  then installing the current build (as opposed to using the Beta installer that I still ahve, although theys hould be the same installer), but wanted to post these files here before I did so.



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That Update is for Anniversary Update -


I am on the current Insider Preview - thus my machine does not have that update.installed separately (but it could very well be integrated into the build itself).

Edited by John L. Galt
Replaced page title with page link
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