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Missing option from prior Malwarebytes

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I installed the new Malwarebytes 3.0.  I noticed I now get the "Real-Time Protection layers turned off" notification whenever I start/restart my computer.  In prior Malwarebytes versions, there was an option under Advanced, where you could turn off a protection module at start which would suppress such notifications.    

I think the design philosophy was to notify users if users accidentally or some third party program turned off a realtime protection module leaving users exposed.  However it is unnecessary and inconvenient having to click off the notification every time if the users purposely and knowingly turned off the protection module for whatever reason.  I don't use Webfilter b/c I use my own solutions for that type of thing and the notifications becomes a nuisance day in and day out.

I can see other configurations where this can become an issue.  For example if someone prefers EMET and turns off the anti exploit module.  

Thanks for the new update, other then the issue above, I really like it so far.  




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