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Hello and :welcome:, @Mila:

It looks as if your post may have been split off from another thread.

In any event, there are many reasons for updating issues (software conflicts, incorrect system date/time, networking issues, corrupt MBAM settings, server issues, even malware).

As far as program updates are concerned, the current version of MBAM Consumer/Home (version was released in March of 2016 -- see HERE.:)

So, if you are running a version of the program from 2013, that may be one explanation for your updating issues.

In order to better assist you, it would help to know a bit more about the *exact* error message you receive, or even a screen shot.
In addition, it would help to see a bit of basic information about your MBAM installation and your system.
I suggest that you please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Assistance obtaining computer system information

Then please ATTACH all 3 logs to your next reply.

They will help us to determine the cause and solution for your updating issue.


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