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Blocked Web site

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since this week i am noticing this pop up on my App/DC server and in the threats view of Malwarebytes.

Blocked web site    8/31/2016 11:23:40 AM    Type: outgoing, Port: 137    Anti-Malware    "my internal Server Name"   internal domain.local    "server local ip"    00-26-55-FF-A4-E8           

Blocked web site    8/31/2016 11:23:32 AM    Type: outgoing, Port: 62707, Process: dns.exe    Anti-Malware     "my internal Server Name"   internal domain.local    "server local ip "    00-26-55-FF-A4-E8               

the server in question is an app server and a domain controller/dns server. 

what could be causing this??




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Hi jmcleod83.

It's likely a client PC using this server as a DNS server is trying to access a site we block.  Since Anti-Malware is installed on the DNS server, the block occurs there and not on the client PC and is attributed to DNS.exe.


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You're welcome.

I'm not 100% sure if it could be due to a computer without Malwarebytes installed as I have not tested that case, but it seems theoretically possible.

But unfortunately there is not a way to see which client is the culprit in the console, since Malwarebytes stops it before it even gets to the client.


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It is safe to allow Malwarebytes to do it's job, however if you wish to stop the behavior at it's source there is one possible way to find the client.

If you were to stop the website blocking on the DNS server, and the block occurs again, you would see which client it appears on, if indeed it was a client with Malwarebytes installed.

Of course, this does temporarily lower the protection of the DNS server, so this is not advisable.

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