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4th of July


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@ Alex_computer

It sure was :) yum yum yum.

I love ice cream... probably too much, I've had WAY too much of it lately, hehe. After our half gallon is gone, we're going to try and not have ice cream for quite a while... we eat too much junk lately :unsure:

Oh, and look, you're an Honorary member now :(

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Thanks so much for pointing that out. I knew I was going to hit 50 posts soon. I wouldnt have noticed it for awhile if you hadn't.

I love ice cream too. I try to limit it. I know how it can be.

Why does it always seem like the best tasting food is the worst for you? It stinks! Don't you wish that it could be the other way around?

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@ Alex_computer

heh, you're welcome. I don't think I noticed for a while either with myself.

Yeah, ice cream is great. I swear, the last few weeks, I have had ice cream at least 2-3 times a week, if not more. Bad bad bad. It's hard also when you are out with a friend and they want to go get ice cream and you are trying to stop, or at least cut down on it... what do you do you know? ah well.

What's your favorite flavor?

I know what you mean.... sometimes I do wish it was the other way around, but, there are a lot of foods that are good for you and taste great, at least I think so :unsure: Yum yum grilled cheese w/ tomato, or homemade mashed potatoes, chicken with gravy and cranberry sauce :( to name a couple of my favorites...

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Yes the ones that you listed are delicious and healthy! :). I think my favorite Ice Cream Flavor is hmmm, there is so many, I'll have to think about it!

Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

2nd would be Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia

And just in case you have not seen it, they actually make one that is Cherry Garcia & Chocolate Fudge Brownie swirled together! :unsure:

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@ hilander

mmmmm :unsure: I love the Fudge Brownie one, but I can't say I much care for the Cherry Garcia, but I bet its real good with with the Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

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