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Favorite Fruit


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I really can't pick just one...

Strawberries, blueberries, apples, oranges, blackberries, raspberries, plums, and cherries are all favorites of mine.


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@ Alex_computer

I haven't had cherries in SUCH a long time. Next time I go to the grocery store, I am going to have to get some fruit! yum yum

much healthier than ice cream, and just as yummy :unsure:

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@ Alex_computer

Yeah, that's true. Prices always have to go up, unfortunately. Fruits and veggies are especially, I think this is a word I can use to describe it, volatile? when it comes to prices. Wow, that's expensive! I usually get a 1/2 lb or a 1/4 lb when I get cherries, I think, and when getting plums and such I usually get 3-4 at a time (mainly coz I end up forgetting about food a lot and won't eat them as quickly as I should).

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:unsure: And you'd think the opposite would be happening. Here here! I got my license when gas was inching up to $3 a gallon, and then it was $4 not long after that... bleh. Let's not get off topic from fruit though. :)

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