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MBAE feedback


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I seem to be having a lot of problems with Windows XP on pre-SSE2 processor equipped systems.  It is making me wonder if pre-SSE2 processors are at the end of the line with MBAE.  I have a fair bit of work to provide useful feedback for pre-SSE2 systems so please watch this space.

If it does prove to not be possible to continue to provide a pre-SSE2 compatible MBAE, will it be possible to prevent MBAE 1.08 from being updated to MBAE 1.09 and later? Obviously MBAE 1.08 is better than no MBAE at all.

I have no issues with MBAE beta 1.09.1142 on my Windows XP systems with SSE2 (and later) processors or with Windows 7 systems.

Edited by hake
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MBAE beta continues to crash at startup on my pre-SSE2 AMD Athlon XP 3000+ Windows XP system which I first reported when I attempted to install MBAE beta (DDS files PMed to Pedro).

It appears not to be possible to install a working MBAE beta 1.09 on my other pre-SSE2 Intel Celeron Windows XP system unless it is installed over an existing MBAE version 1.08.  Without it, the MBAE beta 1.09 installer does not add the mbae-svc.exe to the services list.

If the previous 1.08 MBAE version is preinstalled with the trial option set, the same failure to add mbae-svc.exe to the services list occurs after MBAE beta is installed and so that service fails to run when the system is restarted.

If MBAE 1.08 is reinstalled over MBAE 1.09, the MBAE GUI continues to show the version number as (this also applied with beta versions 1130 and 1140).

If you guys decide not to continue to support pre-SSE2 processor hardware, I promise not to chew any carpets.  It would be nice if a way of continuing to use MBAE 1.08 on pre-SSE2 systems could be made possible without the need to add 'data-cdn.mbamupdates.com' to the HOSTS file to suppress continual offers of version updates.


Edited by hake
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No worries Pedro.  Thank you for the response.  I am perfectly happy with MBAE 1.08 and the Windows XP pre-SSE2 systems are not security critical anymore.  I quite understand that your priorities properly lie elsewhere.


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