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everytime I start a programm protected by anti-exploit, a popup appears in the right corner of my screen.

Another popup appears when I boot Windows.

That bothers me and I´d like to how I can disable this.

I have meanwhile the free version runnig and I´m thinking about buying a licence.

Do I really need it? I Have no blocked attempts up to now.

What would you recommend?


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Hello and welcome::)

To disable the "application shielded" popups, merely go into the MBAE GUI > Settings tab and disable the setting for "Show system tray notification tooltips".

As for MBAE -- especially the Premium version -- the Free version protects only browsers and certain plug-ins. The Premium version can be configured to protect ANY internet-facing application.  With any real-time security application (anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-exploit, etc.), it's akin to having car insurance -- you don't think you need it until you need it.  The fact that your MBAE Free has not yet blocked an exploit means that you are likely a safe surfer and perhaps a bit lucky.  But IMHO that is not a good reason NOT to run MBAE. (I am just a home user and not a Malwarebytes employee.)

Here are some videos with more information about MBAE:

MBAE Exploits How they work

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit in action

Product information for Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit

Thanks for your interest and support.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I too have seen the setting for "Show system tray notification tooltips".

I have not (yet) been informed by A-E that it has prevented an exploit but if it informs the user via the system tray tooltips, then unchecking (de-selecting) the above setting would also prevent notifications when an exploit is prevented, I'd have to assume. That is my concern with turning the option off.

Above said, if the tooltips are not used to alert for actual malicious activity, then I personally don't need the constant pop-ups from A-E that it is protecting me. A single warm and fuzzy notification when the program loads upon startup is enough for me.

Thoughts on above? Thanks.

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Hello and welcome, @ssathue:

5 hours ago, ssathue said:

then unchecking (de-selecting) the above setting would also prevent notifications when an exploit is prevented, I'd have to assume.

Nope, it does not work that way.

When you uncheck (deselect) that option, only the "non-critical" notifications of "___ application shielded" are disabled.

Critical notifications, e.g. an actual exploit block, would still provide both a popup notification and an event in the log.

So, if you do not want to see those "___ application shielded" notifications, just turn off that setting.:)

As far as the program loading at startup, if the system tray icon is present, then the program has loaded. 

If you would like to suggest some sort of "splash screen" or other notification upon loading at system startup, you might wish to create a new post in the MBAE suggestion area >>HERE<<.  AFAIK, all suggestions are logged by the dev team for possible consideration in future versions.


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Excellent. Thank you for the clarification and the link to the suggestion area. Frankly, I'm in the free trial phase of the product and would kinda like it to prevent an exploit to confirm it works as advertised before I spend some real cash. Any suggestions on how to stress test it, i.e. some independent "threat" test/site that is not associated with/directly known by Malwarebytes? I realize I've just gone off-topic a bit. I won't stray any further than this. Thanks again.

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