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Has anyone heard of ceooluncheap?

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A friend of mine has a Windows 7 (now Windows 10) system that seems to be running a bit slow - particularly when she uses IE 11. I had a look at the system and it does take quite a while for IE11 to start up (5 seconds or so), and then looked at "Manage Add-ons" - here there seems to be a strange add-on called ceooluncheap (I checked what I've written because there are some similar terms on the web). This add-on says it is located in what seems to be a non-existent directory and both the enable and disable buttons are absent for it from the Manage add-ons window (a bit suspicious to my mind). Since I cannot find anything about this term when searching Google I'm just a bit concerned that it is some malware. Can anyone here confirm whether they have ever come across this exact spelling before. I did do a scan of the system and the only thing it came up with was something called Vortrans or Vorster (I'm sorry I didn't write it down at the time) and I did ask for this to be deleted but when we launched IE again the ceooluncheap still seemed to be there. If anyone can throw any light on this I would be grateful.

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Hi Bernard :)

My guess is that this extension is an adware (it's common to see adware extensions using messed up names like that, and the presence of the word "cheap" in it is just too suspicious to be ignored). Since your friend seems to be infected, it would be better if he could sign on on Malwarebytes Forum, and seek assistance in the Malware Removal Help section. All he have to do is to follow the instructions in the thread below, and create a new thread over there, providing the logs that are asked.

Good luck :) 


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