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No real protection

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Hello and :welcome:, @chico1960:

First, regarding your support tickets.  Did you submit the email requests by using this web-form HERE?  If so, you ought to have received nearly instantly at least the initial, automated reply.  If you did not receive it, then either your support request was not successful, or perhaps the replies have landed inadvertently in your junkmail or spam folder. So, I would check there to see if that's the case.  If so, we suggest continuing your support via email with the help desk, as it can be confusing and counter-productive to get help for the same problem in 2 different places.

If you prefer to be helped here in the forum instead of at the help desk...

As far as realtime protection, there are many possible explanations for the behavior you report. We need a bit more system information in order to better assist you.  Please follow the steps in this pinned topic: Diagnostic Logs.
Then, please ATTACH all 3 logs (FRST.txt , Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt) to your next reply here.

The logs may point to a possible cause and solution.



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Thank you for the logs.

They are somewhat confusing as their time stamps all show that they were run on different days (including the FRST.txt and Addition.txt) which are normally produced at the same time when FRST is run.  And all the logs are at least 2-3 weeks old, so they may not accurately reflect the current status of your system.

From CheckResults log:


mbam-check result log version:

User Account type:                 Administrator
DomainComputer:                    No
OS:                                Windows 10  64 bit Operating System
Current Version and Build:         10.0.10586 OS Product Info: Professional

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:
Installed On:                      2016/04/25
Malware Database:                  2016.05.08.04
Rootkit Database:                  2016.05.06.01
Remediation Database:              2016.05.06.01
IP Database:                       2016.05.08.01
Domain Database:                   2016.05.08.02
License:                           Premium
Malware Protection:                4 (The service is running.)
Malicious Website Protection:      1 (The service is not running.)
Chameleon:                         0 <--CAN NOT OPEN SC_HANDLE, SERVICE IS NOT RUNNING FOR: MBAMChameleon
Log Created:                       2016/05/10 09:56:41

From FRST log:


Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) (x64) Version:18-04-2016
Ran by alberto rivera (administrator) on ALBERTORIVERA (28-05-2016 15:45:07)
Running from C:\Users\alberto rivera\Downloads
Loaded Profiles: alberto rivera (Available Profiles: alberto rivera)
Platform: Windows 10 Pro Version 1511 (X64) Language: English (United States)
Internet Explorer Version 11 (Default browser: Chrome)
Boot Mode: Normal

From Addition.txt log:


Additional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version:18-04-2016
Ran by alberto rivera (2016-05-11 10:06:50)
Running from C:\Users\alberto rivera\Downloads
Windows 10 Pro Version 1511 (X64) (2016-05-08 16:17:33)
Boot Mode: Normal

Your logs suggest that the files uploaded here have been combined from logs created on different days and times???
As such, it's hard to know for sure what might be going on at this time -- normally the 2 tools are run back-to-back, generating the 3 logs within a few minutes of each other.

There are quite a few errors for Windows services (e.g. Cryptographic service and others) and other anomalies.
It looks as if you have been running some repair tools for other issues with your system?
There are changes to internet explorer settings that MIGHT BE indicative of infection.
There also appear to be traces of KTS (Kaspersky Total Security) on the FRST logs, but not on the Checkresults.txt log -- so it's not clear if KTS is installed now or was installed but has been removed?
Last of all, it appears that you last installed MBAM on April 25, but that you may have installed/upgraded to Windows 10 on May 8, with MBAM already in place on the system?

There are several steps that might be suggested to resolve these issues, but it would probably be safer if we could please see a FRESH set of all 3 logs, from a FRST run and an mbam-check run done at the same time today, rather than the mixture of 3 older logs.

First recommendation at this time would be to please start again with Diagnostic Logs.
Please delete your current copy of the FRST tool and grab a fresh copy from the hosting site (the tools is updated often, so there may be a new version since the time you last ran it).  Then please run BOTH FRST and mbam-check again.  For FRST, please be sure there is a checkmark in the "Addition.txt" option before you run it.
This will produce a fresh set of all 3 requested logs, from the today.
Please attach the new logs to your next reply, so that we can more accurately see what might be going on.
That will help to provide more accurate advice.

Thank you very much,


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Thank you for the logs.

Are you running KTS for anti-virus protection, or not?
The logs suggest that it may have been only partially installed/partially uninstalled.
Either way, that will need some fixing: either a proper, clean uninstall (if you don't want it), or a proper clean reinstall (if you do want to keep it).
If you tell us YEA or NAY, we can provide some guidance on that.

Next please carefully follow all of the steps here: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x
Please be sure to have your license info handy before you start.
Please be sure to deactivate your account before you start (dashboard > "my account" > "deactivate").
Please be sure to reboot when prompted by the removal tool; it's a good idea to reboot again after the reinstall.

I suspect that deeper work on the system will be needed, probably in a different forum area reserved for those activities.
But these 2 steps (cleanly removing or cleanly reinstalling KTS + setting exclusions, AND a clean reinstall of MBAM) may get you started on resolving your issues.

Thank you,

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