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Problem with ThumbsPlus


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I use ThumbsPlus to manage my photographic images (RAW and JPEG). Typically after a shoot I will mark a number of poor images for deletion and then delete them all at once.

I downloaded and installed the Beta of Anti-Ransomware today. When I initiated the mass delete of over 490 images, Anti-Ransomware intercepted the delete process after about 20 deletions and halted it. It said something was quarantined, but in fact nothing was. The program was not affected and no data was lost. I did have to turn off Anti-Ransomware, re-mark files for deletion, and complete the deletion before turning on ARW again.

It seems it would be better in this circumstance for ARW to pop-up a warning, but upon the user's option permit the process to continue.

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Hi, @Magicflute, and :welcome:

Standard policy is to request the information as detailed in this post: 

The reason is that this is still a βeta product, and as such it still has a few kinks to be ironed out.  The kink you saw, where it threw up a warning but therer was no evidence of anything happening nor was there anything for you to do, is one of those kinks that they are actively working on.

Another thing to consider is that this is not intended to be a stand alone product.  MB Staff have confirmed to us that this will be integrated into another MB product, most likely MBAM, and when it is, you can bet that, just like with the quarantine process, you will have the ability keep the item(s) in quarantine or allow them to be removed from quarantine and marked as safe.

For more information on MBARW, please see the following blog post  https://blog.malwarebytes.org/news/2016/01/introducing-the-malwarebytes-anti-ransomware-beta/

For specifics about the Beta test, please read and understand the contents of this sticky at the top of this forum: 

Finally, to get a better understanding of the role that MBARW plays in your layers of defense, and how it complements other MB products, please see this sticky: 


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