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Unable to remove "scan complete" pop up screen from showing on desktop

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I am a new user of Malware bytes.  The program scans my computer each evening.  It always finds the same 3 problems and I click to remove them each morning.  (These are there if I rescan immediately as well, but that is another issue.).

A small pop up screen shows up on my desktop stating, "scan complete", regardless of whether a scan was just completed or is currently running.  If I click on the X to close it, it goes away, then immediately pups up again.  Anyone know how to get this annoyance to quit popping up once it has been closed after a completed scan and before another scan starts 

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If MBAM Premium is properly installed and configured, scheduled scans that are "clean" are silent (no popups).

If you are seeing popups after a scheduled scan, then MBAM must be detecting something and:

  1. Either MBAM settings are not correct (for complete detection and removal); AND/OR
  2. MBAM is having trouble removing the particular items; AND/OR
  3. The infection is respawning, e.g. from Google Sync.

In order to better assist you, it would help if we could see a SCAN LOG that was done when the detections occurred.

Please refer to THIS ARTICLE for help locating and exporting the SCAN LOG.
Please export the log as a *.TXT file and save it to your desktop.
Then please ATTACH the SCAN log here to your next reply in this thread.

Thank you,

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Attached are the scan logs for 0900, and 0945.  These were run after the protection log which is also attached.  It appears that there are several items that keep showing up as potential threats.  The malware bytes program has not removed, or isolated them despite daily scans and multiple attempts to do so.  I assume that there is some reason that the threats are re spawning.  I am unclear what to do to remove it to avoid re spawning.



Protection log 3_30_16.txt

Scan Log I - 0900 03_30_16.txt

Scan log II - 0945 03_30_16.txt

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Thanks for the logs.

It looks as if you have some PUP/malware remnants, either still hanging around or re-spawning from somewhere.

We are not permitted to work on possible malware-related issues here in this section of the forum.
Such work is conducted in a special forum area reserved for that purpose, or at the help desk.
So, for expert assistance, I suggest that you might want to please follow the advice in this pinned topic:
Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue - the helper will guide you through scanning, cleanup and repair.

Thank you,

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