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Shields Question


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Hey, I downloaded Anti-Exploit Free for my computer, would you reccomend that I need it or not?

I am sorry if I sound like a complete idiot.

When looking at the shields section, it was quite long, can someone tell me if this is normal and what it means? Do I have all of these exe file things downloaded? Or are they basic ones it protects? I don't think I've ever had Opera on my computer for example:

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Internet Explora









Java (with 3 different exe. Java. javaw. Javaws. )

Adobe Reader

The ones above have a lock signal next to them, what does that mean?

These have a unlocked symbol

Foxit Phantom (2 versions , one with a space in the name and one without)

Foxit Reader

Libre Office

Office Word

Office Excel

Office Powepoint

Windows Media Player (wmplayer)

Windows Media Player (mplayer)

VLC Player

Winamp Player

Quicktime Player

Should I be concerned about any of the programs listed above? Are they all on my computer (I've never used Opera, and those dragon and monkey things and the Foxit files are unkmown to me)

I am sorry if I really do come across like an idiot, any help/advice that can help me understand would be helpful.

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No need to be concerned.


Do I have all of these exe file things downloaded? Or are they basic ones it protects?

This is just a list of programs than can be protected by MBAE. This does not mean, of course, that you use all of them.


The lock symbol means that these apps are (or can be) protected by MBAE. The unlock symbol means that these programs are not (an cannot) be protected by the free version of MBAE. In order to get full protection, you need a valid licence for MBAE. Hope this helps.

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Would you suggest the average computer user keep this app or is not needed?

Is it really as simple as allowing it to run by itself and leaving it on and only getting notifications when it blocks something?

Thank you, I was concerned that all those programs above had someone appeared on my computer.

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Would you suggest the average computer user keep this app or is not needed?


I think it's a good idea to keep it because traditional security solutions often fail to protect you from exploit attacks.


Is it really as simple as allowing it to run by itself and leaving it on and only getting notifications when it blocks something?


Yes, it is easy to use. It's a set-and-forget app, so to speak.

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