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Win 7 drivers said to be malware?

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I ran a scan and was told that there was 7 Unknown Rootkit Drivers suspected malware, the thing is they are all windows drivers and when I told Malwarebytes to save the details the information it gave said there were no malware files.

So as you can tell I sort of confused, can someone give me a clue as to what's going on please.


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Hello and welcome:


Do you use Rollback RX or a similar program?


If so, please see here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/177308-will-not-ignore-windows-system-32-drivers/


More specifically, for the explanation and workaround, please see here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/165846-false-rootkit-driver-detection/#entry946167



Yes, Rollback Rx PC causes this often as well. For example, when new software or Windows updates are installed when there are drivers involved, Rollback might forge these.

What helps in most of the cases here is, uninstall Rollback Rx, reboot and reinstall again. That should normally solve the problem of it forging newly installed or updated drivers.


(and here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/158749-malwarebytes-quarantining-its-own-files/page-2#entry891877)


If that doesn't explain or resolve the issue, please let us know.



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Thank you so much this is exactly the case, I installed Rollback because for some reason my computer is refusing to make restore points so I felt that this was essential.

I'll go try the reinstallation 'cos I've recently installed win updates that I think installed new drivers, so thanks again for your help. :D

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