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Hello all, 

i have been facing these issues on my computer for quite a while.I use my computer mostly for gaming ( steam) , downloading movies and watching youtube.


I am encountering some issues which i think is a serious problem.

The computer has become extremely slow and everything lags on the computer.I face severe lags while gaming online and surfing the web.The YouTube videos have fps lag and google chrome keeps crashing.The other devices which are connected through my wifi at home lag too, but i reset my modem and it fixed the problem for other devices.But the lag continues on the pc and when i shut down the pc, ads start popping up.I have tried a few anti virus software couple of weeks ago but they came clean.I checked all my folders and the checked all my downloaded files, came clean.I thought of reinstalling the OS but i cannot as my optical drive is broken and when i try to do the same using a USB, i do not have admin rights to mount a virtual drive.This is extremely frustrating and require help asap.

UPDATE: when i remove the internet cable from my COMPUTER and run games, the computer works as usual.


Thanks in advance and also would appreciate if the instructions provided by concerned officials are simple and not too complex as i am not that technically sound.



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Hello and :welcome: :


We cannot work on this sort of issue here in this particular area of the forum.

For expert assistance, I suggest that you might want to please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.

A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue.


Also, there is a great deal of helpful information HERE.


Thank you,

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