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mbam stops internet

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i have got internet problem with mbam.when i enable web protection my internet do not works. when i disable it then my internet works.


i have experienced that if i enable web protection then it stops my signal of internet dongle.i seen that mbam is stopping my internet dongle. see the signal in screenshot after enable web protection and disable web protection.


is there any way that i can manually remove my tata photon dongle from mbam? looks like mbam considering my tata photon internet as insecure.





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Welcome back, @krypton:
Is this the same computer as this one here: internet problem ?
If so, our forum Admin replied at that time:

Hi there Krypton. Our QA Team was able to duplicate this issue. The team will review possible fixes in an upcoming future build. At this time we're not aware of a workaround but if found I'll let you know.
Hopefully they'll be able to track this down and get it fixed by the time the next release is ready.

Sorry for the troubles.


Do you have the current version of MBAM installed (
Either way, it might help to see a fresh set of diagnostic logs, please.
Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)  (Before you run FRST, please be sure there is a checkmark in the Addition.txt option.)



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yes it is same pc and the same problem but i seen this problem today that my tata photon signal disables when i enable web protection. so i posted back here. i also tried beta version as posted in other topic by firefox. but same problem. so i again reinstalled normal mbam version.i am using version




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