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False positive


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Malwarebytes found these detections but in my opinion they have to be a false positives.


I even restored an image with Acronis Trueimage, that was 2 months old. Again it claimed it detected the same files. That is curious since I ran constant scans on that image before making it and storing it to an external drive I haven't even used since. No detection was ever found. Now it suddenly claims there they are, so I assume the new database has an error on it or something.


My antivirus claims everything is clean, according to tests it should be among those with the best detection ratios.


These are .DLL files. Also I would assume that if I had an infection, it would be more than just some .DLL files inside a folder that is not even being actively used(?)


Detection: Trojan.FakeMS


(in two IMTCCAC.DLL files)
Included log file and both .IMTCCAC1.rarIMTCCAC2.rarlog1.txtDLL files
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