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[SOLVED] MBAE no longer works with various browsers after the first load


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MBAE has recently stopped working with Chrome v45 and Dragon v43 after the first time and does not work at all with Canary any longer.


The first time you load  it works with Chrome and Dragon but thereafter there is no popup announcing MBAE is running.


I have uninstalled Comodo Endpoint Security 8.2 to rule that out. 


After a reboot they work again the first time but not on subsequent loads.

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Sometimes Chrome (and other browsers) stay running in the background even if you close the "visible" window. Under Chrome you can see a Chrome icon still loaded in the system tray even when the browser has been closed. This is why when you open Chrome again there is no MBAE message that "Chrome is now protected". This is because Chrome was never closed and MBAE never stopped protecting Chrome.

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