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Although I already see several topics for this IP address, I am including mine as well to emphasize there are multiple sites affected. The site URL is: hxxp://pwncastdailyquest.com at that shared public IP. 


While I understand and can applaud taking active steps to protect users, I am deeply disturbed that the onus for dealing with this is on those who have done nothing wrong. Right now I have no way of knowing how many users have been turned away, and whether any of them will return after seeing such a dire warning. For sites who rely on traffic to drive ad spend on their pages, this is also financially damaging not only today but potentially into the future as well. 


At a very minimum for forcing legitimate web site operators to jump through this hoop, I urge you to change the alert messaging to include that the site in question may simply be using a shared IP that also is used by a malicious site.



Thank you.

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