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Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Protection is not started. The Anti-Exploit Process will Be Terminated


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I just installed the newest version of MBAE premium version.

Program was working very well, but when i rebooted (restarted) my PC, a message 

box just came out saying : 


"Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Protection is not started. The Anti-Exploit Process will Be Terminated"


I tried to open it again, but nothing was coming!

I opened TASK MANAGER, and i saw there was mbae.exe running on my PC!


I un-installed an re-installed the Program, but again the same thing!!

Please help me MBAE staff!


There are some info : 


(latest version of mbae) MBAE (premium)

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It's most likely a failed upgrade. We've identified a few sceneraios in which the upgrade may fail and are working on a solution. In the meantime do the following:


1- Close all apps

2- Uninstall MBAE from Control Panel

3- Reboot

4- Delete C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit

5- Download and install the latest MBAE from http://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mbae


Let me know how it goes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem for me and the post from pbust (above) worked fine. Mbae was set on my machine for auto update but something obviously went wrong with the latest update. I tried a manual install upgrade from the site but had the same response. After finding and following the above solution, the only difference I noticed was on the manual try the "Try 30 day trial of premium" was un-ticked and at the end I was asked to restart the computer. After following the instructions the box was ticked and at the end the program just worked, no re-boot requested. I don't know if that helps.



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I see this with my AMD Athlon XP 3000+ equipped PC running Windows XP SP3.  I count 20 seconds from seeing the logon prompt before clicking and the problem does not then occur.  Patience is a virtue.


My MBAE installation works well otherwise.

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I have followed the instructions.  So far so good.


I have been living with this issue since the early days of MBAE.  My old, slow but very good computer needs a little time to get going, hence my 20 second wait to logon after the prompt.  I guess that there is an absolute blizzard of things going on at system start and have assumed that this issue is due to those exigencies of startup.  I have also found that Agnitum Outpost Firewall is prone to its service process (acs.exe) sometimes not starting if logon at startup is rushed.  Again the issue with Outpost goes back a few years.  I have used this firewall in its various versions since 2001.


These remarks apply to Windows XP.  The issue does not seem to be noticeable with Windows 7 but the Intel Prescott 3.2GHz dual core processor which powers that seems to be a bit more than twice as fast as the Athlon XP 3000+ which powers my main Windows XP system.  All my systems are more than abundantly endowed with RAM.


Your procedure could well have some wisdom behind it.  I have noticed that a more rapid logon seems to allow MBAE to start more reliably. Time will tell.

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Yes it could very well be that in an extremely slow boot scenario the MBAE GUI (mbae.exe) gets started before the MBAE Service (mbae-svc.exe) and this could cause such a message. It would not be a very typical scenario, but it could happen.


If it does start happening again, and you have some software designed to do it, try to delay the launch of mbae.exe (started from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run key) one or two minutes to resolve the problem.

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From the short time since I followed your installation procedure, the startup situation seems to have improved.  I would still advise people not to rush the startup but it appears to have materially improved things.


WinPatrol has a feature which can delay the launch of mbae.exe.  It has the ability to vary the delay time.

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Thank you Pedro.  I am very grateful that this issue has been raised by others.  I thought that it was a peculiarity of my systems that was to blame.  Thanks to your advice, things are much improved.


I have not noticed the issue with Windows 7, only Windows XP.


Everything in the garden is lovely.

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