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Malwarebytes Icon In Start Menu Keeps Turning Into A Generic Icon

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This is a rather strange problem that started happening recently, which has me concerned - the icon for Malwarebytes in my start menu keeps turning into a generic icon. I've tried right clicking on it, and going to "Change Icon" and selecting the Malwarebytes Icon, but it doesn't fix it. I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling and rebooting multiple times, but it either doesn't work or it only works temporarily. I've also tried turning on and off the self protection option but that didn't fix it either.


Anyone else experiencing this? I'm just concerned if it's possibly some indication of an infection.

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Hi: :)


First, you said you reinstalled, but it's not clear if you used the best practices method, with the removal tool.


So, for starters, I suggest this -- please carefully follow ALL the steps: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

What version of Windows are you running?

If the clean reinstall doesn't work and if your OS is Win7, perhaps try this:

Icons disappear from the Windows 7 desktop
Diagnose and repair Windows File and Folder Problems automatically

There are similar tutorials for other versions of Windows.


Let us know how it goes.



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Thank you for your help! I did run the cleaning tool, rebooted and reinstalled Malwarebytes and that seemed to help - as of right now the icons are displaying properly. I have a feeling it might possibly have something to do with the program "IOBIT Advanced SystemCare Pro", since I only started running into this problem after I installed it. I'll post back here if my icon vanishes again. but I've turned off almost all the options for cleaning out stuff like the registry and shortcuts and other features in Advanced SystemCare Pro, so hopefully if that's what was causing the problem, it won't do it again.

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Hi: :)
Yes, sometimes a clean reinstall of the program will correct that issue.
If not, the tutorials suggested in my previous reply will often do the trick.
As for IOBit ASC, registry cleaners and products like that are of no value and can cause system damage, as explained here.

Moreover, the company behind this product was found to be stealing the MBAM database.
Personally I would not trust installing any software from a company that resorts to stealing someone's technology to sell their product.
Please see the following links and make up your own mind if you want to keep this on your system.

If you would like some free, expert assistance with removing the IOBit software, then you may wish to please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue.


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