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Windows 10 Spartan browser

John A

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Build 10049 of Windows 10 introduced Spartan browser, which is a Windows app. MBAE free doesn't protect this browser yet. Two questions:

Will MBAE free eventually protect Spartan?

How do we protect Spartan now with MBAE Pro?


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We'll have to run some tests during the Technical Previews of Windows 10. But of course we will include protection in MBAE Free if it's possible to do. It is still possible that Microsoft will make changes to Spartan before final release, like for example the name and executable name. For now it's Spartan.exe, correct?


PS: Since Spartan is beta still and unsupported, moving this to the Questions sub-forum.

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There is a spartan.exe in c:/windows/SystemApps/Spartan_cw5n1h2txyewy/  But double clicking on it does nothing, so I suspect that just adding Spartan.exe to MBAE mightn't work


I think Spartan is a Windows App (ex Metro/Modern/Store app), like the Internet Explorer app in Windows 8; or some strange hybrid.

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