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alerte malwarebytes

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hello ,
Since yesterday we are many to receive alerts about malwarebytes 
here are the topic french sorry, me french.






thank you for keeping me informed if other people we problem. I use premium malwarebytes .
no analysis of the various software finds infections
thank you



I use a translator, sorry for bad tractuction


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Hello and :welcome: :


The issue you report appears to be the same as this one: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/165480-malicious-website-blocked-multiple-reports/


It is being investigated by Malwarebytes staff, as mentioned here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/165480-malicious-website-blocked-multiple-reports/#entry943967


Until we obtain updated information from the staff members, you might wish to provide some logs with a bit more detail:


1. Please read the following and attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)
2. Please attach a recent PROTECTION LOG that shows the blocks (instructions below).

Thank you,

How to get scan or protection logs:
(Export log to save as a txt file for posting in the forum when requested)

  • Open MBAM.
  • Click on the HISTORY tab > APPLICATION LOGS.
  • Double-click on the SCAN LOG or the PROTECTION LOG which shows the date and time of the scan just performed (or the one you are asked to post).
  • Click EXPORT.
  • Click TEXT FILE (*.txt)
  • In the "Save File" dialog box which appears, click on DESKTOP.
  • In the FILE NAME box, type a name for your scan log.
  • A message box named "File Saved" should appear, stating that "Your file has been successfully exported".
  • Click OK.
  • Attach the saved log to your next reply.
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This should be fixed with the latest database (2015.02.28.04): https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/165480-malicious-website-blocked-multiple-reports/?findpost=943990


Please update your MBAM, either by right-clicking the system tray icon > check for updates, OR by opening the dashboard from your desktop shortcut > Update Now.


Then please tell us if the IP blocks stop once you get this latest database.


Thank you,

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