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Got problems with 2 .apk files in particular

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Hi Ehsanotaku,


Based on the VirusTotal links it looks like the apps have Adware libraries that are being detected, AirPush and KyView. Are these VT results from your specific apps, the AirPush one we should definitely detect, the other looks we don't detect this particular variant.


Could you send us the APKs you're inquiring about because a file name or package name doesn't tell the whole store? Apps are package and repackage by different developers all the time and code is added or removed depending who's doing it.





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Thanks for answering me on such short notice. Developers who were responsible for those respective Roms were quite legitamate in XDA . I was just wandering about the time of detection and when these possible malicious codes added to database of well-known Av's/Anti Spyware apps ( last modification of both Roms were in middle of 2013 i guess , not sure though ).  Files extracted per your request .





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These apps have advertising libraries that are being detected by AV vendors. MBAM Mobile does detect the CallRecorder app based on the ad library AirPush, they are known for very aggressive, in your face advertising. Uninstall Master has two ad libraries Umeng and KyView that we classify based on its implementation, this particular app is not classified.


Call Recorder does announce it uses advertising https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=androidlab.allcall


Hope that helps, If you don't mind the advertising then you the apps should be fine. Since you are using a custom ROM they do have tools to block advertising traffic and functionality with root.



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These apps have advertising libraries that are being detected by AV vendors. MBAM Mobile does detect the CallRecorder app based on the ad library AirPush, they are known for very aggressive, in your face advertising. Uninstall Master has two ad libraries Umeng and KyView that we classify based on its implementation, this particular app is not classified.


Call Recorder does announce it uses advertising https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=androidlab.allcall


Hope that helps, If you don't mind the advertising then you the apps should be fine. Since you are using a custom ROM they do have tools to block advertising traffic and functionality with root.




yeh , already discussed this Google Ads and AirPush Ad frameworks in details in the following links with modes. They  said as long as it does not contain malicious code inside it's decompiled body they let it be. ( patched HOSTS file and add blocker implanted in place , so i would be safe i guess ).




Thank you so much guys ^:^

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