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What is autoupdate.exe?

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 Can i anyone please explain to me what is autoupdate.exe is? the file is executable file located in windows > system32 > autoupdate.exe. I have ran anti malware scan with malwarebytes on demand,Emsisoft, and kaspersky tdsskiller and both find nothing suspicious about file. However, i want to know more whether they are dangerous or not, but for some reason when i try to upload to virustotal.com the file is not showing in, but is showing when i do a search on file explorer. I am using windows 8 64 bit, and here is the picture of the executable file.



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PS: I ran Malwarebytes,Emsisoft,SUPERAntiSpyware,HitmanPro,Kaspersky TDSSKiller,Hitman Pro and none find anything about this file. But i want to know what is this file for and is it safe? Because one thing i noticed is every time i shut down or restart my computer this file will start automatically and after that is disappear so....

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It appears to be a legitimate Windows file that is signed by Microsoft.

However, we are not permitted to work on possible malware-related issues here in this section of the forum.

So, if you think you may be infected, I suggest that you might want to please follow the advice in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
It explains the options for free, expert help >>AND<< the suggested, preliminary steps to expedite the process.
A malware analyst will assist you with looking into your issue.


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