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MBAM Premium 2 : Settings

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OS  :  W8.1

MBAM :  Premium


Question : Is there a document that explains the Settings in detail for a technical user?


The Settings Menu has a number of sub-categories and each of these have an assortment of Tick-boxes and / or Radio Buttons.


The information that I am looking for relates to answers to questions such as: -


  • What are the implications if I tick or un-tick a Tick-box or select or deselect a Radio Button?
  • Are there different implications if I login as an Administrator or a Standard User?
  • What are the reasons behind why the MBAM developers have selected certain settings to be the Default?
  • What are the implications if I change a Default setting?


If a Settings document exists I would be grateful if someone could provide a link to the document or attach the document.






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Hi: :)


The default settings are sufficient and safe for most, basic users.


AFAIK, this is the current product documentation for MBAM:

There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF
And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page


We'll need to wait for staff to tell us if updates to any of these are in the works, with the expected release of version 2.1 sometime in the next few months.


Until then, it would probably be easier for us to answer specific questions about specific settings and features, as it's hard to generalize?




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