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Proxy Server Isnt Responding -

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Hello - New to the forum.  I have had MBAM on my other PC for years with nothing but success.  I recently loaded it onto my wife's laptop when she was having some popups, and as soon as we used it, she lost use of Chrome and Explorer.  The error message from Explorer is "The proxy server isnt responding;  Check your proxy settings127.0.0.1:8800."  What happened after installation and running the first scan?  The Proxy server box in LAN settings remains checked, even after unchecking it.  My research indicates we are not the only one to have this issue, but unfortunately, I cannot find a firm solution.  I did find that FarBar FRST tool seemed to be the tool of choice, so after loading it onto the laptop, I cleaned up a few items from the Addition.txt file that had 'Attention' next to them, but it unfortunately did not do anything for restored internet access.  I also uninstalled MBAM. Can someone please assist in what to do here, and what caused this with the MBAM installation?  I have attached the latest FRST.txt and Addition.txt.  I guess now we need to find the root cause files and create another fixlist.txt, correct?

Thanks for your time and support on this issue.



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Hello rosebria and :welcome::

Please attach the fixlist.txt file you ran in your next reply. We respectfully request you do not run any additional utilities without direction and guidance.


In the following steps, please take great care to disable MBAM2's self-protection module prior to running mbam-clean.exe:

  • Please try the following and let us know if this corrects your issue: MBAM Clean Removal Process 2.x.
  • If that does not correct the issue, then please read the following and individually attach the 3 requested logs in a reply to this thread: Diagnostic Logs.
  • The 3 files, from Step 2, to be individually attached from your desktop are: CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt. Please do not Copy and Paste them into a reply.
  • NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located in Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions.
Please let us know the status of your issue in a reply to this thread.

Thank You. :)

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Hello 1PW,


Thanks for the quick reply and direction.


I have attached the same FRST.txt and Addition.txt I attached to my original post (after I ran the fixlist), and also included the CheckResults.txt.  I could not find the fixlist.txt file, but I have attached the fixlog.txt file to show the 3 files added to the fixlist file.  Finally, I followed your instructions of MBAM Clean Removal Process, resinstalled it via a flashdrive, and ran a scan.  The scan did pick up 3 "Non-malware items", and I attached the log to this scan also.  I assume I should be removing these, but did not want to do any additional removal until I had your instruction.  The "PastaQuote" PUP is a name I have seen attached to this sort of issue in my internet research, so this potetially may be the root cause?  Anyway, to summarize, I have included the FRST.txt, Addition.txt, CheckResults.txt, my first and only fixlog.txt, and the MBAM scan log. 


Thanks again for your support, looking forward to your reply and further direction.





MBAM Scan 12-12-2014.txt

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Hello rosebria:


If running with the MBAM2 self-protection module enabled is something you would normally do (and we do highly recommend it), you could do that at your next opportunity. Yes - since a subsequent scan did find a few PUPs, I would suggest deleting these rather than moving them to quarantine and since they were discovered with a Custom Scan, it's likely a quicker Threat Scan will also locate them.


The version of FRST you used was quite out-of-date as FRST can be updated up to twice or more per day. Optionally, you may delete any copies of FRST.exe, FRST.txt, Addition.txt and the directory C:\FRST at your discretion.


If the computer in question does not normally use a proxy, that begs the question; has the original issue been resolved?


Thank you. 

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Hello 1PW,


Thanks again for the reply and information.  The issue is unfortunately still not resolved, even after removing the 3 files detected by MBAM and rebooting.


Good call on the out of date FRST.  I installed a revision from a flashdrive I downloaded today on another machine.  I ran another scan and attached the FRST.txt and Addition.txt.  I did notice two interesting lines under the Internet heading:


ProxyEnable: [HKLM] => ProxyEnable is set.
ProxyServer: [HKLM] => http=;https=


Are these of concern?


Anway, your further direction is appreciated to get access back.


Thanks in advance, again, for your continued time and support.




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Hello rosebria:


I would like to bring additional clarity to this thread if a need to escalate is required.

  • Despite the apparent ProxyEnable/ProxyServer presence in your system's registry, do you, or any other user(s) require or otherwise need (or have tried) to use a proxy server?
  • Is this computer used in a home, for family purposes, or is it used for business purposes, or both?
  • Have you or any other user(s) tried seeking the use of a proxy server for uses such as striving for an additional level of Internet privacy?
  • In all other respects, is the computer (including Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.x) operating correctly?
  • Despite the current installation of Google's Chrome browser, is Mozilla's Firefox or Microsoft's Internet Explorer put to use as browsers?
Thank you.
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Hello 1PW,


Answers to your questions are as follows:


1.  Not sure?  This is my wife's work laptop.

2.  This laptop is used at home and for work.  Although my wife is on work leave right now, so not using it for work.

3.  No.

4.  Computer is acting fine, as far as I can see.  Just cannot use Chrome or Explorer.

5.  This laptop originally started having popups, ads, etc. when my wife tried installing Firefox.  She never got it installed though.  Thats when I installed MBAM to attempt to fix the issues, and now here we are.  So she only has Chrome and Explorer available, and neither work.


What am I missing here with your questions?  Do you think there is something else causing the internet connectivity issue, or just not sure if we should remove the proxy lines from the registry?


Thanks for your continued assistance.

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Hello rosebria:
The information you've just provided will have me ask you to open a new topic in our Malware Removal Help sub-forum. Yes - the Internet connectivity issue is quite major, but please do not take any independent actions that may have enormous future negative consequences.
This new information indicates the computer is probably infected and malware removal actions are not permitted in this sub-forum.

I recommend following the advice from the topic: Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and have one of the Malware Removal Experts assist you with your issue.

If, as recommended, you do open a topic in Malware Removal Help, please make reference to this thread.

If you would like to get off to a very fast start, the Malware Removal Experts would appreciate it if you would also Copy and Paste (not attach) both the FRST.txt and the Addition.txt output diagnostic reports from only Log Set 1 into your new topic.

Thank you.

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