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no sound, help

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well you guys fixed my problem with the spylock, so i figured id see if you can help this one

i installed Norton 360 bout a month ago, and when everything was set up i ran a full scan and did all the other scans and runthroughs, i also ran spybot and ad aware bc my computer had been antivirusless for a week, well when i restarted my computer i got a error message something about Rundll (id give exact name but when i did the fixes you guys told me to with the other problem it never showed up again) and the new hardware box came up, but it had Unknown listed as the hardware, and this happens at every start up

i dunno if it was bc norton deleted something or merely coincidence but i have no sound, my speakers work just fine, ive tested them by direct hook up to my ipod, and when i try to start iTunes it gives me a message, " iTunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration Audio/Video playback may not operate properly" so i know theres something wrong, but i have no idea what

any suggestions to this problem would be greatly appreciated

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Have you opened the audio control panel and checked to make sure everything is on? Every once in a while mine will get checked to mute somehow. I don't do it but it has happened more than once. I also have an emachine, different model but maybe it is something they do. ;)

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Hey, i'm new here, but i had a similar problem which my dad fixed. Not sure how he did it, but im pretty sure it started when i downloaded a file that contained a trojan. If you have if you open your task manager, look under the processes tab, and sort it by Image Name. Scroll down to the "I"'s section, and if you see that you have something simllar to "issmain.exe" or "iesmain.exe", something along those lines, i can't really remember what it was, google it, because it may be the trojan that i had. You may find a helpful fix there. Good luck xO

p.s. i think i had something with that Rundll thing also to start things off. not quite sure though :/

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