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Malwarebytes Hall of Fame

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This Hall of Fame is maintained to acknowledge and appreciate the responsible work of independent researchers who have helped find and fix flaws in Malwarebytes products.

_______________ HALL OF FAME _______________

--- Release Versions

  • Florian Bogner (https://bogner.sh) for finding a privilege escalation vulnerability in MB3. Fixed in CU3 (1/2017).
  • Abdulellah Alsaheel (@0xAlsaheel) for finding a MBAE disable technique in 1.08 which can cause bypass (2/2016).
  • Danny Heppener for finding multiple vulnerabilities in MBAE 1.08 which cause bypass (03/2016).
  • Claes Spett (@j3rge) for finding bugs in MBAE Layer 3 which cause bypass conditions (02/2016).
  • Niels Warnars for finding and reporting multiple exploit mitigation bypasses for MBAE (02/2016).
  • Francis Provencher (COSIG) for finding a memory corruption vulnerability in MBAM 2.2 which may lead to remote code execution (12/2015).
  • Tavis Ormandi (@taviso) for finding a vulnerability in the database and update mechanisms of MBAM. Same issue as reported on 08/2015 by Juan Manuel Fernandez Torres (11/2015).
  • Michael Spaling for finding a vulnerability in the encryption implementation of MBAM which permits unauthorized whitelisting (09/2015).
  • Joxean Koret (@matalaz) for finding a vulnerability in the MBAM Swiss Army driver (09/2015).
  • Juan Manuel Fernández Torres (@TheXC3LL) for finding a vulnerability in the database and update mechanisms of MBAM and MITM exploit POC (08/2015).
  • Yonathan Klijnsma (@ydklijnsma) for finding a vulnerability (CVE-2014-4936) in the upgrade mechanism of MBAM 2.0.2 and MBAE 1.03 and below which could allow attackers to load malicious code (08/2014).
  • Parvez Anwar (@ParvezGHH) for finding a Denial of Service vulnerability in MBAE 1.04 and below in the underlying third-party MadCodeHook driver (07/2014).


--- BETA Versions

  • Mickael Roger for finding a bypass in MBAE 0.10 Layer2 protection and for his excellent research into MBAE and EMET driver compatibility issues (03/2014).
  • Claes Spett (@j3rge) for finding a bypass in MBAE 0.09 Layer3 protection and working responsibly with Malwarebytes to fix the problem (01/2014).
  • Michael Schierl (@mihi42) for finding a bypass in ExploitShield 0.7 Layer3 protection and working responsibly with ZeroVulnerabilityLabs to fix the problem (10/2012).

_______________ HALL OF FAME _______________


Special honorary mention is made to @kafeine from malware.dontneedcoffee.com for his continious help in testing and improving Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit.


If you are a researcher and wish to responsibly report a vulnerability or flaw in MBAE to qualify for the Hall of Fame please contact us.

Edited by clintsowada
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