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Malwarebyte keeps turning off

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I think this has probably been covered elsewhere but after trying various permutations of words  in search I have not found this topic but if it is out there please tell me where!


I am having problems with malwarebytes premium switching off updating and real time protection. I am not sure why it does this and the only pattern seems to be that within two or three days of my re downloading malwarebytes premium does it switch them off again. 


Am i doing something wrong? I tend not to fiddle about with the settings but maybe I should. 

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Hello and :welcome: :


It appears from your other topic >>here<< that you think you might be infected?


That is indeed one possible explanation for the MBAM protection modules turning off.

It would be confusing to work on the same computer in 2 different places, and we aren't permitted to work on malware issues in this section of the forum.


So, I would suggest waiting for expert help in your other topic in the malware removal section.

The expert who assists you there will guide you through the cleanup process and can help you to get MBAM up and running properly.


Thank you,

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