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ma clé d'activation

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Hello and :welcome: :


You wrote (Google Translate):


I do not have my activation code, how is it that I can recover?


If you purchased MBAM online from the Malwarebytes store, the information would be in an email sent to you at the time of the purchase.

If you no longer have that email and did not print a copy, you can contact the e-commerce partner, cleverbridge.

They can look it up for you.

To contact them, please see the information here: How do I obtain my license key or confirmation email?

The shortcut link is here: http://www.cleverbridge.com/342/?scope=cusecolp


If you purchased from a different online vendor, e.g. Newegg, you will need to contact them directly.

If you purchased the program on a boxed CD, the information will be in the box (either on a card or on the CD sleeve).


Please let us know if this resolves your issue (if not, there are a few other tricks we can try to locate the information).



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