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Sale price..?


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Pretty straight forward, I like the idea of MBAE and did purchase MBAM when the lifetime license was available, it would be nice if there was at least a sale on the yearly subscription fee of MBAE every now and then. Considering how there are free after rebate and deeply discounted download deals on anti-virus packages and periodically on MBAM itself it would seem many users are inclined to pay a more discounted price for security product, even if it isn't an always. Some of us are also likely in the "I don't really need it or I could live without it, BUT it's such a good deal I'll try it" market..

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  • Staff

I'm sure eventually there will be discounts and promos. Make sure to sign up to our Newsletter from the website so you receive them in your email. In the meantime you can use MBAE Free which provides real-time protection against web-based exploits (i.e. the majority of exploits).

there are free after rebate and deeply discounted download deals on anti-virus packages

There's a reason for that... that's about how much they are worth against zero-day malware and zero-day exploits ;)
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  • 7 months later...

Wanted to bump this as Newegg has Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium + Anti-Exploit Premium - 3 PCs / 1 Year - Download for $20. Considering either alone normally costs $25 at full retail it's a great deal. And for the record, I do not work for MB just a fan that found a deal.



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