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Suppressing block pop-ups

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I am running the paid version of MBAM.


I have one particular application that keeps triggering a site-block popup.  The application is trying to access its home website, "phone home" if you will, except that it's orphan software and the website no longer exists.  Recently that domain was cybersquatted by someone AMB blocks, and now whenever I use that application I am constantly seeing the popups from AMB warning me about the site.


Is there a way to suppress the warning popups to that particular site?  Mind you, I have no reason to access the site and still want to block it, so I don't want to exclude it.  I just want to get rid of the popups.  Is there a way to have MBAM block a site quietly?


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Sorry, it appears that your post may have been inadvertently overlooked. :(
Alas, with version 2.0 currently, notifications are pretty much "all or none".
The devs have promised to restore more granular control with a future release.
Staff and more expert members will correct me if I am wrong, but..............
..........If you don't want to set up a web exclusion for the process or for the IP, then I'm not sure there is much you can about turning off notifications for that single IP?

You might want to check the User Guide (links below) to see if there's something else to try.
Perhaps you might want to submit it to the IP-blocklist team to see if the block on that IP can be removed?
To do so, please start with the instructions here, and then post the requested info (URL and IP) here.


ALSO, for additional information:
There is an FAQ Section here: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions
And here are links to the MBAM 2.0 User Guide: Online and PDF
And there are many useful KB topics and videos at the helpdesk support page


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I was afraid you were going to say that.  The domain in question (not the original one the application tries to access, but the one it now gets redirected to) is areasnap(dot)com.


Consider this a feature request - the ability to suppress notification of attempts to access a website (either at the site or the app level) while keeping the block in place.

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I'm just a volunteer, but the staff does closely monitor the boards.


It might be worth posting in the Website FP section -- perhaps the team will research it and find that the particular block can be removed?


And I may be missing something about the IP block notification controls, as I don't have any personal need to mess with them.


Perhaps someone else will have another suggestion for you.



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