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Multiple false positives


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servers of the host: stooorage.com












wtf is up with blocking standard filehosts & imagehosts. Doesn't make any sense

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Who or what is voxility. It makes no sense to block a filehost because of maybe "rogue" files, your screwing over legit people aswel. Its not malwarebytes job to police filehosts and makes even less sense to block an image host.


Another one to add to the list



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  • Staff

FYI Voxility owns the IP range. I am aware that legitimate domains sufer with these blocks BUT it's not done unnecessarily as there has to be sufficient malicious content (trojans, exploits, malware, etc.) on a IP for this to be put in place.


As for the P2P filesharing (domains you included in your posts) they will almost always reach out to a malicious IP.

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