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Malwarebytes Not responding

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1. Click on "More Reply Options" button.

2. Click on "Browse" button.

Navigate to the file (probably on your desktop, or wherever you saved it).

Double-click it to load it.

3. Click the "Attach This File" button.

Repeat for the other logs (there will be a total of 3 logs from the 2 scanners).







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Unfortunately it did not work.


What is "it"? :)


OK, that's just a first, easy step.

If it didn't work, so be it. :)


If you reinstall it then reactivate it will go?

Yes, sometimes. :)

That it why we ask to try that as a troubleshooting step.


Having said that, if you've run the scanners, then it might be best just to wait for someone to review your logs.

There are some abnormalities on the checkresults log, but we'll need to wait for staff/experts to formally review it and the FRST logs.


BTW, is your malware submission post HERE about the same computer?

If so, and you think you might be infected, then you can just go ahead and start a new post with all your logs over in the malware removal section HERE.

If your FRST logs show evidence of infection, we would need to send you over there, anyway, as the malware diagnosis and removal work is conducted in that special area of the forum (not here).





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