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I think Malwarebytes needs a hands free autoupdate mechanism when new versions come out.  Right now it, Malwarebytes just has a notification and then requires users to manually update the program when new versions comes.  There is some problems with this approach


1) non technical users have a high likehood of ignoring the prompt

2) limited account users unable to update

3) needless fragmentation of malwarebytes


I believe all the major AV companies and any security sensitive software including browsers, Adobe products like Reader and flash, and so have pretty robust automechanism in place drastically reduce the problems I stated. 


I really see no potential pitfall assuming Malwarebytes creates an option to turn off the autoupdate mechanism if they don't want it.  On a personal level, I worry about my parents and relative computers with malwarebytes pro licenses on them.  I know that a few will probably ignore the prompt, and then probably either call me or mess with the recommended malwarebytes settings to turn off the notification and be less secure. 

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