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Is there an option to push client definition and policy updates vs the client connecting and pulling them?  I would like to allow DMZ resident machines to update directly to the enterprise server but to do that I need communication to be outbound only to the DMZ.


Thank you,


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Hi Matt!


At this time, clients can only reach out to grab definition and policy updates per their communication time set in the policy.  I will make sure to forward your question as a possible feature in upcoming builds.

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Thanks Lazz.  I appreciate the response.  Also, am I correct in thinking the following is how to configure clients to connect to Malwarebytes directly for updates vs to our internal server:


Edit Policy

Updater Settings

Download sig from alternative source every x hours if Management server is not accessible for x hours

Download from internet if signature update from custom path fails


If so what would be the best way to minimize the number of attempts the clients in the DMZ make to obtain updates internally before going across the internet, knowing that the internal attempts will always fail?

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There should be an option below those, called "Download signature update from Internet every x hour(s)."


If you do not have that option, you may be on an older version and need to upgrade.  Let me know and I will assist you in upgrading.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you update the MEE server, you do not have to immediately update your clients.  However, to take advantage of new features, like the one mentioned above, you will need to deploy over the top of the existing installations.  

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