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I just installed MBAM Premium 2.0, and have a larger than screen window that cannot be resized. It can be stretched up and down but cannot be shrunk side to side. Maximize works, but I am not fond of this. That is why I have 1920 x 1280 res, so I can have multiple windows open.


I have attached a png capture of what it looks like.


Anyone else have this problem?




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That would be nice, but I can move the window back and forth, but can't make it narrower. I am running windows 8.1 with a GeForce 540m 2 gig with the latest drivers from NVidia and the latest from Intel for the HD3000 chipset. I figure it has to be around 2100 pixels wide.

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Never seen this issue before.

While having the MBAM window in focus try holding down the windows key and then pressing the arrow keys. This should resize the window/snap it to the sides of your screen. Maybe when its snapped you can resize the window?


If that doesn't help you may want to just try reinstalling MBAM using these instructions.

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