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Computer Freezes whilst copying dll from another computer

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Dear MalwareBytes,

My company is using an enterprise edition of malwarebytes. I'm one of the developer working in the company.

We are happy with the product overall.

Recently we are having an issue related to malwarebytes, my computer freezes if I copy a dll and paste in another computer (Mapped as a network drive) or if I open the bin folder which has the dll's in it in the network drive. It happens quite often but not everytime .

The only way to get around is restarting the computer and most of the time I lose the stuffs which I'm currently working with. Other developers are also having the similar issue while working with dlls

We are pretty sure the reason is malwarebyte.


We are currently using windows xp .


I would like you to find a solution for the above issue . The sooner the better.


Many Thanks.



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